Fairmont Raceway
Something of the past that seems to be missed by our local Raceway enthusiasts is the annual mall show. The mall show was the start of every race season for as long as anyone could remember. With the decline in Mall activity and the last show not being as memorable as years past the hard decision was made to cancel.
That is until Fairmont Ford Reached out with the idea to play host to a 1 day open house. Dubbed the Preseason Pit stop. This new event will bring back the annual car show, where many of our local legends have all agreed to meet the deadline and have cars to display by Saturday March 22nd, 2025. 2 weeks prior to the scheduled Frost Buster on Friday April 4th.
The event will run from 9:30 to 1 PM on Saturday March 22nd at Fairmont Ford. You can browse all the offerings of Fairmont Ford, chat with drivers, purchase season grandstand passes, Track Merchandise, and enjoy a meal. Proceeds from the meal will go towards capital improvements at the Fairmont Raceway. Most of all share stories of your favorite nights at the track and what you look forward to in 2025.
The track management team wants to thank the ownership group at Fairmont Ford for the efforts to revitalize the Raceway Car Show. The continued support of area business and spectators will keep the Raceway open for years to come, Said Leah Gerhardt Co promoter at the Fairmont Raceway. Leah goes onto say we are so appreciative of the support in our first 3 seasons at the Raceway that we can't wait to get the 2025 season started.
There are many ways to get involved at the Fairmont Raceway. If your business is interested in becoming a marketing partner, drop an email to Zac@fmtraceway.com or give him a call 507-236-7175.
Submitted By: Zachariah Gerhardt